Seven navy cadets inSattahip have tested positive for swine flu and 200 more have developed flu symptoms, an official said Thursday as the country reported 69 new cases, bring the national total to 1,054.

Navy Commander Admiral Kamthorn Pumhiran said the seven cadets who tested positive for the H1N1 virus were at Sattahip Naval Base.

He said about 200 other cadets with flu symptoms have been isolated in separate quarters at the base. They are all in stable condition and are being tested for the virus.

Thailand's Public Health Ministry confirmed 69 new cases of swine flu, bringing the country's tally to 1,054.

Prat Boonyavongvirot, the ministry's permanent secretary, said Thursday most patients had fully recovered and only 17 remained hospitalized. None were in critical condition.

The health ministry has proposed a plan to appoint one guard at each of the country's 145 prisons to monitor for signs of outbreaks and work with the ministry to prevent the virus from spreading, he said. No infections have been reported in Thai prisons.

News Type : Thailand news
Story : Natthaphumin
Photo : Natthaphumin
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