This article has 14 comments

There are always going to be people against euthnasia, but as human beings we do have the freedom to choose what we do with our lives.
No one should condemn those who have decided to end their life, because of an incurable illness.
Dr Carey has once again opened his mouth and put his great foot in it. No one listened to him when he was Archbishop so just ignore the cretin and his diatribe and maybe he'll crawl back up his organ pipe and disappear.

By Lorna Wanstall. Posted July 6 2009 at 1:13 PM.

Further to the comment by Emma, these Do Gooders
shoud have to stand and watch someone with MND lose the ability to speak,eat, breathe unaided and maybe finally choke to death then maybe they would see the point of "mercy " suicide.the grief of such a terrible illness for yourself and your family is too much to bear, both physically and mentaly, as MND is always at the back of the queue. Is that all there is for them ?

By Rita. Posted July 6 2009 at 1:22 PM.

Isn't this country strange? leave an animal to suffer and you can be prosecuted for cruelty or neglect, but help a Human to end their own suffering and you are in bigger trouble. No one wants what the scaremongers are claiming..elderly people cajoled in to ending their lives prematurely,all that is wanted is the right of a terminally ill person to decide when they have had enough.

By Rita Roberts-MacCutchan. Posted July 6 2009 at 12:37 PM.

Sadly Dr. Carey misses the point. Someone with a terminal illness SHOULD have the right to decide when they have suffered enough. Surely the point of this ammendment should be to meet similar criteria
to those required in places like Switzerland so that people should not have to go through the stress of travelling to another country away from their family.
Yes, you can make a living will or complete an ADRT
already but there is still the worry of prosecution of someone in the familywho may have helped the suicide.That is the first item to be addressed and clarified,then maybe we can sort out allowing people to escape the indignity and suffering that can come with a terminal illness like
Motor Neurone Disease

By Brian MacCutchan. Posted July 6 2009 at 12:29 PM.

My Life, my choice. I do not want religious extremists like MR Buxley and Tom et al interfering with me. Keep it under your hat Gentlemen, I do not need or appreciate your unbeliveable selfish comments. But you are entitled to them and there lies the difference between us.

By billy. Posted July 6 2009 at 3:19 AM.

If people who are suffering a terminal illness and know that they are going to be in pain physically and mentally. It is up to them to take their own life while they are still able to do so and not to ask someone else to assist them in dying either in this country or abroad.

By Netty. Posted July 5 2009 at 6:06 PM.

The first steps to the Holocaust were taken in a remarkably similar way.

A bill was passed to have doctors assess mentally and physically ill patients. If considered incurable, they were medically certified for euthanasia.

The "humane" method used was gassing, and the "pioneers" of this treatment, from the Nazi T4 department, went on to set up and operate the death camps.

Falconer, Bliar's ex-flatmate, is a morally bankrupt pygmy. Not content with 120,000 dead Iraqis and Britsh soldiers, now he wants to start on the sick and vulnerable in this country.

I've seen three elderly relatives die in the last couple of years. In each case, they were hastened on their way by nursing with a chest infection left lying flat to develop pneumonia, all given injections of morphine within 5 minutes of death, yet all already receiving adequate medication via syringe driver.

We're already killing the vulnerable - this bill would simply protect the guilty.

By Amanda. Posted July 5 2009 at 12:03 PM.

Sometimes I despair we are still living in the Dark Ages! Yet again religion is quoted (words that are written and interpreted by Men),to keep us in place. Then the threats of the wicked who will kill off the elderly for greed. Most of us are now educated and understand that any law passed will not open the floodgates! Presumably there will be proper counselling and commitees etc involved before the deed is done. I for one would not wish to prolong either my own life or my loved ones from a disease like motor neauron,what point is there in prolonging loss of dignity and pain. If you really want to bring religion into it,you could argue that He gave us knowledge to use medicine for our benefit for all our lifespan including the end! Please lets have some common sense and stop making people fly abroad for some compassionate help.

By Marie. Posted July 5 2009 at 1:28 PM.

No it can`t happen. Who`s to say all the people `helped` to commit suicide actually wanted it...? God that`s giving a license to murder to some people ! Also it will make a lot of terminally ill people think that`s what they should do, as they are being a burden. This is a very sensitive subject and has to be taken extremely seriously by all before any decision is made. As someone already said - inheritances and such would make unscrupulous people step out of line - it would be criminal to encourage it.

By lana. Posted July 5 2009 at 12:54 PM.

Think of the people with horrific illnesses such as motor neuron disease. Eventually the muscles in your throat stop working and you will most probably choke to death. If there is a God, I can't imagine one who would want to force anyone to suffer ithis pain and indignity against their will. This system already works in Switzerand and the Netherlands and will also work here when it finally gets passed. Hopefully this will be sooner rather than later..

By Emma. Posted July 5 2009 at 11:06 AM.

God, himself has preordained the number of years, you shall endure, whether your years are good or bad, is also preordained. He and only He can determine these things and it is one of the Bibles great mysteries, that have to be taken on faith. Life is given by God and shouldn't be tampered with, or we make a mockery of the line in The Lord's Prayer: "Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven." We pray this in faith and who are we, to then go away and scream about it, when he does just that.
The sufferers on earth, shall suffer no more in Heaven, Thank God for that.

By Mr Derek A. Buxey. Posted July 5 2009 at 9:31 AM.

To deny the terminally ill to put an end to the final weeks or days of their pain is totally lacking in humanity. I have no doubt Dr Cary means well but in the real world suffering must take precedence over dogma.

By Simon Marshland. Posted July 5 2009 at 8:41 AM.

The wishes of the person concerned is the prime concern, a living will made when the person is fit and well as to their future wish should their health change.
Any problems other countries who allow euthanasia may have encounterd could be written into our law.

By Harry. Posted July 5 2009 at 7:55 AM.

Bravo George Carey!

This law will be like all-too-many laws like it before, and have unintended consequences.

The law will quickly be used by the greedy and unscrupulous to accelerate the demise of those who are draining inheritances.

Think of all the sons, and daughters, -in-law who care little of the elderly parent in such a situation who is costing a fortune in nursing homes and so on - and who can't wait to get their hands on their money?

Yes, they will dress up their infirmity as an excuse to hasten their deaths.

They will persuade those incapable of rational decisions to 'do the right thing' for their families.

The law will be roundly abused and in not too long, bumping off expensive elderly relatives will become the norm - what progress for humanity that will be?

Then they will come for the disabled too - oops, they will be victims of this law as well.

Lord Faulconer should be thoroughly ashamed of himself for proposing this law whose malign, murderous consequences are manifestly obvious.



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